Friday, April 28, 2006

Mallrat Tese

discover your dog breed @ quiz meme

Temperament- Uh huh... so this is what I'm like?
The Maltese is spirited, lively and playful. Gentle, loving, trusting and devoted to its master. Highly intelligent. Good at learning tricks if he feels sufficiently rewarded. Bold and quick to sound the alarm in case of suspicious noises. It is a classical companion dog; graceful and lovable. They do well with other animals. Maltese love to play outdoors but have a penchant for jumping in puddles. A bath must follow! These dogs can be snappish with inconsiderate children and may be difficult to housebreak. Sometimes they are picky eaters. Include small biscuits and dry dog food in this breed's regular diet to help the teeth stay strong and healthy. Do not over-pamper or overprotect these little dogs, for some become unstable, and some may become jealous of visitors.


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